Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research - Assignment ExampleThe main problem, which was the reason of the study, was that of lack of such factual evidence finished past studies on the facts of the health conditions within a society.The main aim that the study had was estimating the health burden that Germany as a country bore caused by the morbidity as surface as mortality associated with obesity and related complications as seen from the perspective of the society. Besides, the study focused on estimating the deaths that occurred within Germany in 2002 universe related to obesity as well as the overweight related complications. Moreover, the study was to establish the costs incurred in the country from such deaths that would result and this would be gotten from inpatient records, out patient records. Rehabilitation as well as non-medical costs were also on the check as direct costs plot of land indirect costs were evaluated from sick offs, and early retirement costs among others.The research study format fail s to cite distinctly the questions guiding the study as well as the hypothesis under which the study was conducted. This therefore leaves the reader with the liberty of evaluating the study report with presumed line of argument as not guided by clear-cut hypothesis and or questions.The info that was collected from the office of statistics in Germany (German Federal Statistics) and therefore survey method was used as the most appropriate tool for collecting data (Konnopka, Bodemann & Konig, 2011). The use of the survey to collect the data from the secondary sources was effective as the study was to use primary data for the year 2002 where collecting the data through other tools would not be possible. Besides, the adoption of the tool was necessitated by the nature of the research as being denary and hence factual empirical data for the analysis was necessary.The analysis of the data involved

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