Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Final - Essay ExampleUS commission on Civil rights serves as an general advisor as well as a watchdog and the countrys civil rights division within the department of justice bears the responsibility of enforcing non-discrimination statutes. Nevertheless, the scatter of responsibilities in agencies with different agendas affected the process of plausive accomplish implementation. However, all the agencies were concerned with application of non-discriminating policies to the sundry(a) segments of the US economy despite the rise of various jurisprudence disputes even within their spheres of action besides administrative actions were related and affected other spheres. By the turn of the twenty-first century, a small compute expressed support for racial discrimination after the civil rights movement progressed from obscurity during the civil war to mid-twentieth century activism to the current accepted wisdom. The non-controversial part is the labile policy that ensures non-discri mination based on race, religion, color, sex and national origin in social, economic and educational affairs. The non-discrimination laws are designed to make sure that individuals are neer judged by color of skin, but rather by the content of their character and incase a violation occurs, such individuals are entitled to remedies (Lee, 1999). Positive and damaging Results of affirmatory Action Legislation Affirmative action seems to have a short history though it is a hands-on policy that makes special efforts some employment decisions, entry into college and other public behavior as a means of compensating for other(prenominal) discrimination. Affirmative action bases on the thought that various groups of community even without being discriminated against currently, any individual belonging to such groups are disadvantaged in the workplace and in campuses as a result of the past discrimination aimed at the group. Therefore, assentient action attempts to level the playing gr ound for all categories of citizens thought it emphasizes on disadvantaged groups as opposed to injured individuals. Affirmative action can refer to a court-ordered, remedial programs designed to correct effects of discrimination documented in court. Proponents of affirmative action hold that affirmative action provides long-term cure for discrimination by offering victims chances to show their skills and worth, which eventually changes prejudicial attitudes. Nevertheless, opponents of this controversial program argue that affirmative action neer addresses the cause of inequality and the program can create labor market inefficiencies and result in reverse discrimination. Therefore, both sides suggest that effective affirmative action would cause minority employment to increase however the sides disagree on whether this raise is efficient and on whether it would be sustainable if affirmative action terminate (Lee, 1999). Currently there is small opportunity to measure the impact of eradicating affirmative action programs. As Federal, support for enforcement faded and flowed, the Supreme Court ruling in the past decade chipped away at affirmative action making it difficult to confirm whether concurrent changes in minority outcomes are due to affirmative actio

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