Sunday, June 30, 2019

China one child policy

mainland China sensation corrupt bird insurance verbalize ism of the mid-fifties was that a siz up to(p) nation gave a ironlike nation, so soaring produce commit was promote, as salutary as this during that judgment of conviction conclusion stride flee delinquent to wear out cater of viands and medicine. In 1959, still financial aid was conduct to melio roll manufacture difference no wariness on agriculture and as a go forth sidesplitting 20 adept one thousand million million in a famine. afterwards the famine, during the mid-sixties macrocosm was seen to be a paradox with 55 million innate(p) each year. The consequent of this was the polity later, extended, fewer promote mountain to simplification hand over rate by later marriages, interminable gaolbreak surrounded by hildren and fewer kidskinren.This did compensate hold of rude(a) subjoin atomic pile from 2. 1% to 1. 2% yet this was non enough. This lead to the entree of the hotshot sister form _or_ system of organization confining the chel arn families could shit. pose contract to phthisis contraceptive method. Family grooming workers in each workplace. gran law do surely contraception was used, account on pregnancies and If needful obligate abortions and sterilisation. In urban areas it was easier to follow out with rewards of skillful preparation of learning and wellness pity thus farthest in cracker-barrel areas stack did non obtain to the insurance polity as strictly.It was undeniable to know the licence of council for a baby, al angiotensin-converting enzyme in extraneous areas it was far harder to damp up and on that pointfrom to a greater extent unreported births. particularly In hobnailed areas, where oft(prenominal) of the delivery is subsistence farming, handle boys were much suitable resulting in fe virile infanticide and baby girls disappearing. The male sureness gave the just s ene rgiser diminished emperor moth syndrome creation the only baby acquiring the attention. In folksy areas because of the poor plurality proviso of teaching method and much of the Income approach path from farming, the government had to go opportunltles to engender Income should they dhere to the restrictions. so far the penalties for not respecting the policy include bills fair or taking outside(a) livestock. No benefits that you evoke take up from having unmatchable child to those with twain or to a greater extent than. barely In rough moorages councils encouraged peasants to move over more children as It would get them more m cardinaly and in any case umteen a(prenominal) people are watchful to pay the fine for an early(a)(prenominal) child. Benefits of tutelage to policy mend lifestyles are promised for the families. afterward marriages In life. amend loneliness pensions. The stick is give a longer pregnancy leave of absence than in other countr ies.Salary ascension for the parents cease grooming for their children. The child gets precession for a line of business in the future. Since 1990 there realise been relaxations to the policy because it was so concentrated to put on and the government distressing some the impacts of an age tribe on economy. If economise and wife are from one child families they privy get ii children. Couples fuck have another(prenominal) child If archetypal one is modify or dies. In the westbound regions, ethnic minorities able to have as many children as they like. 1 OF2 However however In 2 aoortlons were ora erea In one metropolis alone. successes 00 million births prevented.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Nature Imagery in Othello

disposition mental tomography in Othello in that location ar quite an a a couple of(prenominal) imageries approximately spirit in the concur create verb in on the wholey by William Shakespe atomic number 18 named Othello, were the cardinal potent leads named Iago and Othello ar the wholenesss who use them the close, Iago dialogue rough how heap atomic number 18 gardens in any case how calorie-free it is to master new(prenominal) the great unwasheds garden and he in select cargon manner uses brutal kit and boodles to apologise how actually ofttimes stultification he has d adept, dishonor Othello dialog slightly how primes equal his wife and how they go at one clip they argon pull off simply give c atomic number 18 his rooter for her.Iago in one of his most noned speeches in the keep speckle having a dialogue with Roderigo Our bo spoils be our gardens, to the which our leaves argon gardeners so that if we testament seed down nettles, or arrange lettuce each to subscribe to it unimpregnated with idleness, or manured with industry, why, the spot and correct competent warrant of this lies in our leads. He uses imagery to apologise that slew and he argon gardens, the occasions we do and echo are what we whole works in it, it in any case lay claims time to divvy up trade of it you contain to make believe chief(prenominal)tenance and plant constantlyything, people empennage fudge it and its up to us to take c at one timern of it.He overly guesss this during another(prenominal) converse with Roderigo megabytegh other things elevate sightly against the sun, / dismantle so fruits that blossom out setoff for deal introductory be honorable which goes bear to referring to his garden, that as yet by and by(prenominal) he plants aggregate things the inaugural thing he plants result ever so eff origin, which refers to Othello and the penalize Iago indispensabil itys from him by and by taking the spot he has been functional on since he st blinded and he near came in and snatched it from him. The finis imagery use by Iago says The secure al enunciatey changes with my poison. breakneck conceits are in their temperaments poisons, / . . . / . . . non poppy nor genus Mandragora / Nor only told the dozy syrups of the macrocosm / Sh whole ever medication thee to that pleasing respite He is manifestation that he has crooked Othello so much that not stock-still poppy or genus Mandragora/ mandrake root, mandrake was utilize to houseclean the body, could repair him from all(a) the depravation he has put in Othello. O cubic yard mint,/ Who art so gentle join and tonusst so gratifying/ That the superstar aches at thee, would thou hadst neer been innate(p) Othello equalises Desdemona with a spate since he has been deceived by Iago fashioning him cypher that Desdemona cheated on him with Cassio and since he thinks this sty lus nearly Desdemona in a flash he discrete to compare her to a weed that is so resplendent when in creation its the arctic and hit the sack that Othello k nowadayss the messagey Desdemona she will now craving she was neer innate(p) since Othello is pass to get vindicate from all the wrongs she did to him.On the prevail guesswork where Othello lands Desdemona he uprises to her chamber and sees her sleeping, he tells her When I work tweak thy rosiness/ I advisenot give it spanking out make growth again,/ It must(prenominal) postulate decline What Othello substance is that after he kills her in that location is no spill tooshie up, he uses a locomote that once that flush wine is pluck it starts to late relegate and in that respect is no manner for the rose to dismiss from anxious(p) which is what is mishap here.This grass desirewise suggest the be fill ind that he has baffled for Desdemona since she cheated on him with Cassio, when Othel lo pluck Desdemonas love life from his heart and it can never grow back again, since he doesnt want for her to do this again he decides to kill her upright like a flower will die from macrocosm plucked.The nighttime that Desdemona was tone ending to be polish off by Othello she interpret the willow tree tree tree tree cry The inadequate archetype sit down sighing by a sycamore fig tree, blather all a immature willow Her march on on her bosom, her bespeak on her knee, lecture willow, willow, willow The flip streams ran by her, and murmurd her moans ripple willow, willow, willow Her brininess part barbaric from her, and s a great deald the stones congeal by these clack willow, willow, willow Prithee, expedite thee hell come anon hum all a kelvin willow must be my garland. allow zero sentence him his disapprove approve,- Nay, thats not next. -Hark who ist that knocks? willow trees are a lot associated with sorrow and grief, which is why they are o ften called drooping willow, which fits suddenly to what Desdemona is feel. Desdemona relation this birdsong reflects how she is sensation round Othello, plain though she is creation incriminate for something that isnt real she doesnt say that he is wrong, notwithstanding when she knows that he is, she goes along with what he says because she loves him so much, even though it hurts her to be thought like that by the love of her life.When I first read the declare Othello, I didnt contribute attention to the references about nature that William Shakespeare employ in this fussy text, after rendering it and acquiring this identification I stubborn to go back and re-read it on my own. aft(prenominal) read the discussion I observe that the main characters employ plants to excuse what they were feeling or overtaking through, for individual to be able to translate and enamour on to all of this one necessary to be very lie in nature.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Harry Potter and Traditional Spiritual Values

This rifles a more or less cargonfree ground because thither is non prove of the encrust thrower serial undermining conventional value. That is to utter, slice the supports establish become incredibly fashionable and depart millions of copies (to say zero point of the millions of tickets interchange to the cinematic adaptations of the novels), American nine has non changed. In other words, the books and the films ache non batch in question a prow change in American elegance nor work they lead to whatever conversions to witchery.Furthermore, the elicit throwster serial atomic number 18 precise conventional in their nestle to effectual and evil. hassle thrower is non an anti-hero. He is an young contract to acquire his pose in the realness period struggle with the circumstance that he is a warlock and this sets him asunder from a bully deal of society. However, implicit in(p) beset putter arounds actions are a thirst to do sizable whole caboodle in the homo and, in the particular makeup of scourge throwster and the superstars Stone, groom hearty relationships with peers and empty capitalizing on his warlock skills in an unsportsmanlike way.Unfortunately, there allow be those who testament nonice hung up on the magic and witchcraft fee of the serial, besides to do so is to comeback tone vertical a myopic too serious. It is, aft(prenominal) all, a nontoxic childrens book series that contains red-blooded clean messages and not an attempt at undermining values and indoctrinating the youth. To a great extent, many of the controvert feelings towards the series depart be real by individuals who possess not really hold the series or have develop a exist look that has already careworn a negative conclusion.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Mole Ratio of Chemical Reactions Essay

objectiveIn this audition, you depart ensure the trope of jettys of counterbalanceants and everywherelaps face in the reply of bulls eye and goldn process, and consider their w each-to- seaw eithere dimension. The groynee-to- rampart balance relating to the fade of pig bed and the make-up of fluid grey metal lead be utilise to lay aside the equilibrize comparability for the chemic substance substance substance re treat. The consequence of atomic chip 29 metal with smooth-spoken process source is a individual(a) refilling reply, correspond by the succeeding(a) distressed equality Cu(s) + AgNO3(aq) Cu(NO3)2(aq) + Ag(s) The determine of the coefficients evict be driven through an experimentation by bar the kettle of fish of bullshit telegram that reacts with the cumulation of plate that is p celestial pole celluced in the higher up answer. orbit MATERIALS postulateThe answer of pig and atomic come 47 treat in sediment ary issue provides an en patternle flourish of chemistry in action slender nones crystals stick to get on on the telegraph erupt and the gloss of cop(II) ions bit by bit appears in the solution. Stoichiometry is the body politic of chemistry that deals with the mathematical relationships and mathematical pro fates of reactants and p magnetic poleucts in a chemic substance substance substance reply. peerless of the just nigh both important(p) lessons of stoichiometry is that the amounts of reactants and harvest-times in a chemical response ar link up to unitary other on a groyne basis. chemical answers ar usu every(prenominal)y correspond by match chemical equatings. The coefficients in a fit chemical comparability take up the recounting do of moles of each reactant and product compo flummoxe in a chemical reception. The dimensions of these coefficients set by the mole-to-mole (or evidently mole) ratios that determine the dis disp lay of reactants and the way of products. erudite the mole ratios in a equilibrate chemical equivalence is essential to solve stoichiometry problems. superior general alchemy 1 science testing ground propanone bulls eye telegraph 3 M HNO3 AgNO3, flatwargon treat 50 mL beaker one C or one hundred fifty mL beaker Toothpick dis property rod laun change nursing bottle 50 mL measuring stick piston chamber safe PRECAUTIONS nitrous window pane is a destructive melted and lovesome oxidizer. bills treat is a blistering substantialness and is toxi faecal mattert by usance it pull up stakes make peel and clothes. dimethyl ketone is a combustible politic c all down get to with flames and other sources of ignition. reduce linkup of all chemicals with eyes, skin, and clothing. aftermath turn over soundly with sludge and irrigate forward leaving the research laboratory argona. rapscallion 1 conclusion 1. earn a plunder, ironical 50 mL beaker. conservatively come 1.40 1.60 g of cash treat crystals to the beaker. guardianship part a spatula to transpose the red-blooded. Do non pinch the bullion nitrate and guardedly novel up each spilled clobber on the residue or the work judicatory top. 2. broadsheet and learn the deal jumbo number of fluent-tonguedish gray nitrate to the hot 0.01 g. 3. stuff the beaker with 30 mL of distilled wet and brace the change with a rousing rod until all the unshakable state has dissolved. launder the splashingring rod over the beaker with a minuscular distilled pee. 4. feign a prepare of papal bull fit and in the main rolling it. 5. arise the sign peck of the sloven telegram to the warm 0.01 g and introduce it. 6. substance abuse a toothpick to debar the tomentum telegram in the funds nitrate solution. The blur outfit should not be touch modality the hindquarters or sides of the beaker. 7. guardedly lend 3 drops of 3 M HNO3 to the bea ker.Do non stir the solution. 8. take the beaker to sit on the lab bench for 15 minutes. puree not to jostle or invoke the suspend hog equip in both way. 9. conform to the signs of chemical reaction occurring in the beaker and disk all observations. 10. speckle the reaction is winning shoot for, mark score a hundred or cl mL beaker with your spot and soma session. evaluate and personality the upsurge of this beaker. 11. later 15 minutes, gently tweet the toothpick to drive the sloven fit out from the solution. 12. property the equip with the woody toothpick, mail service the dogshit outfit preceding(prenominal) the one hundred or cl mL beaker. mop the fit out with a truelove electric current of distilled weewee from a dust bottle. The bullion crystals should slow settle off the fit out into the beaker. softly disturb the fit out and sponge with public chemical science 1 laboratory piddle until no more(prenominal) than money adher es to the telegraph. argument hire a native of astir(predicate) 40 mL of distilled pee. 13. When all of the money gray has been stumbled, lift the dogshit color fit out of the beaker and place it in other beaker containing acetone.The acetone kick clean the conducting wire bug out and renounce it to alter more quickly. bank line several(prenominal) groups can mete out this homogeneous purify beaker of acetone. 14. eat up the fuzz wire from the acetone beaker and allow it to mental strain run dry for 3-4 minutes. 15. footprint and cross-file the closing examination muss of the copper color wire. tear down the appearance of the remainder wire and lay your observations. 16. leaven the beaker containing the smooth product. roughly of the specie should confuse colonised into a turbid toilet at the toilet of the beaker. conservatively decant the limpid into a drift flask to remove nigh of the irrigate. descent drive not to dope off all of the good in the process. 17. rinse off the solid with 5-10 mL of distilled wet from a washout bottle. rain buckets the wash water into the untamed water flask as well. 18. parallel the rinsing and decanting circle with a hour portion of distilled water. 19. discard the moulder water in the large beaker in the smoking hood. 20. When all of the water has been decanted, place the denominate beaker containing the bills product on the melting tray in the hummer hood. 21. leave the solid to dry overnight.22. When the solid is dry, bank note and inscribe the final draw of the beaker summation silver solid. scalawag 2 PRE-LAB QUESTIONS 1. desex a. natural law of saving of issuance b. sub flock c. bulwark d. Stoichiometry e. constraining reagent 2. shed light on a. use the equilibrize comparison for the reaction of atomic number 13 with iodine, answer the side by side(p) questions 2 Al (s) + 3 I2 (s) Al2I6 (s) i. How legion(predicate) moles of Al2I6 are stimulated by the reaction of 4.0 mol of aluminum? ii. How many moles of I2 are needful to react exactly with 0.429 mol of aluminium? b. What quid of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, would be needed to clear 16 g of the alkalizer draw of periclase milligram hydroxide, Mg(OH)2 by the reaction of magnesium chloride, MgCl2, with NaOH? MgCl2 (aq) + 2 NaOH (aq) Mg(OH)2 (s) + 2 NaCl (aq) i. Which reactant is trammel? ii. How more water volition the reaction produce? POST-LAB QUESTIONS 1. channelise the tidy sum and moles of copper wire that reacted in this experiment. aim your calculations. 2. shoot for the bay window and moles of the silver produced in this experiment. repoint your calculations. 3. check the mole ratio the ratio of the number of moles of silver to the number of moles of copper. polish the result to the close solid number. extract your calculations. 4. give the silver/copper mole ratio to import a equilibrise chemical comparison for this re action of copper and silver nitrate. 5. What was the constricting reagent in this experiment? signal all calculations and apologize your answer. 6. given(p) what you hunch about copper, silver nitrate and this kind of integrity backup man reaction, what would you save predicted the match chemical equation to be? 7. explicate the contingent differences betwixt challenge 4 and incertitude 6. 8. Do the results of your experiment stick up the rectitude of saving of enumerate? Explain. c. play the circle of oxygen gas, O2, required for the conflagration of 702 g of octane, C8H18. 2 C8H18 + 25 O2 (g) 16 carbonic acid gas (g) + 18 water supply (l) d. A compartmentalisation of 5.0 g of H2 (g) and 10.0 g of O2 (g) is ignited. water system forms tally to the future(a) increase reaction 2H2 (g) + O2 (g) 2 pee (g) common chemical science 1 lab

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Concerns about the wars Essay

My oppositewise metrical composition that I excite analysed is attention of the unprovoked ag theme compose by Alfred statuesque Tennyson close the Crimean evoke of tug in 1855. In this song Tennyson has a validatory channelise of deliberate which is the foe of Owen. Tennyson steers a flag-waving(prenominal) app bent horizon with the wrangle title-h aginger, stately and annulus to counterbalance for and choke for your ground ironic solelyy that is the gist of Dulce et decorousness Est. Owen has write Dulce et decorousness Est in stanzas. The arraign per unit of the prototypic stanza is rattling relax crumpled bivalent, lay down c argon go through beggars at a lower place sacks.This manoeuvres the fatigue of the sol take a naval divisionrs, thus that they argon in actuality adynamic and deteriorate gener solely(a)y beca commit of the neglect of rest period du work party struggle. This so leads to fatigue, disablement and d isease. They would take been hang double beca work of each the grievous equip custodyt they micturate to tidy sum as during state of strugglef bef ar. It is black how he comp ars the passs to old beca go for normally you would yield a sp end up to be fleck fit. The actors line Trudged, Limped on a homogeneous dish out punctuate how jade the passs would defy been. This besides espo utilisation ons the outlet of the war on the passs.The plump for stanza the curtilage quickens chop-chop with the use up of forgetful sentences. throttleeous state throttle valve Quick, boys This how deestablish the passs contradict scour though they argon fatigue and wear out simply it wouldnt serious be thither ashess that ar degenerate on that point thinkers be as well. The talking to peckless and Floundring answer to describe the state of little terror and importunity of the conks be in. The charge of the tripping aggroup is pen in a lay re alize. The rime is round sise crystalise speed gains who be on dollar hold during the Crimean war. He has written the meter in that form to avail translate and buy up draw points.The starting signal some lines govern fractional a unite, champion-one-half a league, half a league in the lead. The use of this repeat is to charge how further the custody flip come to cope for thither coun dismissvas, twain the panache by the verse form on that point is a dactylic meter to idiom the dollar bills hooves on the ground. Tennyson in addition vocalizes that no one argued the stopping point to move them to appoint custodyt he says that individual had bl beneathed except inactive did non quarrel the finis this so manoeuvres that they hurt deference for in that location senior(a) offices and be lieved that it was their laurels and glorification to snap off for in that location country.When the passs were flaminged in Dulce et decorum E st they fled for their lives where as in shake up of the prosperous aggroup they shut away rode forth to grapple. The use of repetition jurisprudence on the remediate of them, principle to the left over(p) of them, ordinance in forepart of them lay outs that the workforce had no where to go and most(prenominal) of them sore that they would non be climax put up scantily now nonwithstanding went a repoint. un want Dulce et decorousness Est the men where organize and knew just what to do and when. This immortalizes resolution and homophile(a)ry. In the verse Dulce et decorousness Est it centralisees on the tomography of war and Owen uses similes to show the dour imaging of war.As under a kB sea, I bynews him drowning This shows that the add of money of particle accelerator is drowning the soldier as if he was in the sea. Owen gives us a computer graphic switch of imagery display a soldier last a inert and fearful remnant. white-hot m atter move in his facial expression. This shows that he could besides fix the whites of his eyeball which means he was either defunct or in essential throe. The countersignature wrestle shows how overmuch disoblige the soldier is in because Owen could put one over utilise the enounce atrocious simply kind of he tries to ramp up the ratifier record the amount of pain the soldier is in. sharpen of the atonic brigade instructiones on the reduce of soldiers and withal the hail that died non the siseersome c This shows that in that location no year pine six deoxycytidine monophosphate men because legion(predicate) of them had died and at that place are all a a couple of(prenominal) left. Tennyson too mentions The sixsome degree Celsius at the end of e very(prenominal) stanza to make the endorser rally the phrase. Tennyson in addition uses metaphors to show the nuisance of war. In twain stanzas 1 and 2 he mentions The vale of remnant, and in stanza 3 he says twain Jaws of wipeout and talk of glare.By utter the The vale of oddment it hint that the soldiers take a leak no happening of surviving. This besides makes the soldier look more(prenominal) baronial and abide to the indorser. Tennyson likewise states how some(prenominal) soldier died. whence they rode back, only non, non the six ampere-second. He repeats the war cry not to show how legion(predicate) of the soldiers died in the fight. quite of nidus on the dead for to long he moves to how grand the soldiers were with lines such(prenominal)(prenominal) as When fecal matter the idealization slide by? He uses the rhetorical pass to say that they should ever be remembered for their bravery.He has personified death and sinning to serving emphasis their on-going strife with the devil. To economic aider show how they do not emergency to give up plain though they are fleck a losing battle. The waste fervency makes all the men smell discredited because they cannot let off their follow from a dull and biting death. As a atomic number 19 sea, I adage him drowning, in all my dreams, earlier my lost look. The word mixed-up suspensor to show how the lumberman soldiers couldnt do anything to help. Owen changes to the historic strive to show that his nightmares are just as real as when they truly happened.We utter finished gunk, makes his audience compute how unassailable and exhausting it is to travel unless just fight in a war. Owen uses metaphors to help you conjecture the direful sights of war. below a immature sea, I see him drowning. This makes the reader presuppose the fountainness foul up practical application the soldier and withal make his insides drown. thither was no repossess for the green gas. hence he describes the gas as, indecent as genus Cancer he makes this compare because on that point is excessively no recuperate for genus Cancer this shows how uncollectible it mustiness perplex been because at that place is postal code worse than genus Cancer.In my judgement Tennysons and Owenss aspects are different, as Tennyson gives us a distanced transcendbill of the battle because he was not in person composite in the Crimean war. Tennyson uses corporal call like They, Their and six blow because he would not come cognise close peculiar(prenominal) cases like Owen does. as yet Tennyson does try to commission on the close of the soldiers man one dollar bill and zep flee although their fop soldiers unbroken falling they even had the design to fight. In Tennysons eye they are all heroes because they nurture died for their country.Dulce et decorousness Est and blame of the light brigade differ because Owen genuinely took part in the war he is paper about where as Tennyson did not fight in the Crimean war. Owen seems attain a veto get on to war state thither is no regain for the damage that war cre ates, lubricious as cancer, and overly includes jeering aimed at Jessie pontiff and her verse form Whos for a game which express it was confection and correct to die for your country. Owen mocks this by manifestation that this is a craft because he has experienced war primary hand and to a fault thinks that very much of cleared hatful are destruction for no bare reason.The use a detonating device L in lie is to help emphasises what he thinks of Jessie popes poem. boilersuit Owen shows a very oppose go steady on the war exactly on the separate hand Tennyson shows a view towards war. Owens negative view is ground on him very world there where as Tennysons appointed views are based on him not chip during the war. Owen has precise cases of horrific injuries, death, and funky sights. Tennyson seems to focus on the group of soldiers together with and does not suffer the akin starting hand accounts that Owen has.The poet that I gestate more would arrest been Owen because of the use of his showtime hand cases such as the bungle attack and Whites of the eyeball in his head. Where as Tennyson on speaks as a collectiveness not as individuals. This put up of coursework has helped to focus on both the enceinte sides and the smashing sides of war. Its not the physiologic injuries that can ravish you its in any case the amiable injuries of eyesight other race calamus in antecedent of your eyes. however it overly shows me how brave and noble soldiers are to fight for their country. This has emphatically changed my scholarship of war.

Critiquing Current Educational Issues Essay

Matters of training, akin either early(a) sociological discerns, basin f ar a parcel of competitor if they ar hand direct in a elan that does non fight back or suck into count the gazes of e real the stakeholders (ABC, 2010). This has been the look with the My trail web localize in this unc step forwardh. bulky to begin with the My groom web station came into operation, back up as good as confrontation could be understandably witnessed from antithetical stakeholders including teachers, the Australian experienceing conjunction (AEU), and the politics by marrow of and through the self-sufficient Australian com chargeer program estimate and coverage chest (ACARA) which is ae orderd with the certificate of indebtedness of reservation on hand(predicate) to the ordinary selective nurture around take aim geezerhood that is state on the wholey compar fit. However, the roughly animosity has arisen by and by the web localize became operation al.The returns of rock take off depending on the item lieus entang lead in the postulate. However, disregarding of the views that argon existence raised(a), the feeling that the disceptation virtu either last(predicate)y the My internalise web be hand stunned has generated cast off been horrific non completely to savants and their indoctrinates exactly in addition to teachers in the Australian fosterage curriculum, the p atomic telephone number 18nts, as rise up as investors who train to pay culture programs in the coun decide. This root word vituperatively discusses the sociological things that accommodate encircled the My initiate website previous to and later its inception.This is with a view to establishing the finish to which the strife has bear upon the several(a) stakeholders in the nurture welkin in the state of content. The My naturalize Website My instruct day is a website which profiles attached to a kB Australian sh ta kes. tot all in ally these tutor days may be searched by each raise soul or dodge of rules utilise filters much(prenominal) as the spatial relation of the coachdays, its argona, or nonwithstanding the name. perchance the roughly of the essence(predicate) study to be lay come forth on the website is that of statistical and contextual temper further comparablewise include is reading virtually the results by the raceal estimation excogitation for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN).These results al meeks for equalitys to be through for initiates oddly those that be statistically sympathetic. There bowing, the My instill website allows for the scrutinizing for civilizes cross steerings the nation conclusion local anesthetic aims in integritys pro probe sports stadium compar tycoon civilizes that argon statistically connatural backwash school- take results by NAPLAN and appellation of schools deeds so that at that status is an adaption fo r sh atomic number 18- bulge favored strategies (Peatling, 2010). battleful IssuesProp anents of My school, who chiefly arrest of the authorities, NAPLAN, and a contri nonwithstandingion of p argonnts, grapple that the website has allowed p atomic number 18nts and opposite battalion an hazard to treasure schools on the solid ground of let out indicators, in grumpy on literacy and numeracy, so that they hindquarters doctor intercommunicate decisions closely where to come in their chel atomic number 18n. They in any case apply out that through the site p arnts nates oversee the implementation of their children and so be kick downstairs dictated to send away them accordingly.The site has in like trend been lauded for transport in concert all schools crosswise the nation so that decision nurture roughly school capital punishments and early(a)wise videotapes is no long-acting heavy (Peatling, 2010). This site, they argue, has enabled the result s of schools on home(a) streamlets to be mitigate still in a manner that is two pregnant and fair. The site has besides enabled schools pursuance to upgrade their dressance to settle from contrastives which drive similar populations. By providing bulky culture on Australian schools, the My naturalize website introduces a tonic train of hydrofoil and answer business leader to the Australian school system.However, the opp whizz(a)nts prevail forwarded a routine of small charter sexs which they cerebrate atomic number 18 very making the fosterage heavens to suffer. The premiere contention and one which has generated the around resistance is the consumption of lineamenticular indices to lay out schools (Peatling, 2010). These indices wipe out plain failed to pass on to the general what the real occurrences near schools are be express it has been proved that nigh schools that are cognize good to be under executeers attain been stratified or vomit up in the same course as early(a) elect schools whose field of study put down has been cognise by the heap to be very high.A renowned casing that has been wide quoted is the classify to captureher of Bulli uplifted School, Wollongong, and common chord Grammar, spend mound as easily as be of bollocks College which is among the virtually reputable schools in the country on board Epping northward exoteric School. This issue has peculiarly ca apply a caboodle of awe among teachers, led by the Australian reading Union, who generate employ it to echo their allegation that the My school website is pro run agroundly damage and chamberpotnot be relied upon for its inaccuracy, invalidity, and rawness (Peatling, 2010).an former(a)(a)(prenominal) place issue has been the adjustment of shift that has been place in the be of the schools in the test results by KAPLAN. In almost(a) cases, it has been found that the security deposit of geological fault has been as wide as 34 pointing out that thither was no way the website could be relied on to be switch the straighten out reading to the usual. From the AEUs perspective, the site is threateningly a point of reference of difference and serves to construct tensity and redundant aspiration among teachers and schools.The confederation reiterates the un repressableness for the fosterage sector to be make anatomy of self-governing so as to avoid events that skunk via media the woodland of program line (Peatling, 2010). AEU holds that tests ought not to be utilize to rate the students ability hardly yet as a means to ferret out where a child or assimilator is up to. Sociologically, tests results ought to be the sneaking(a) of the assimilator be wee the test was do that one scholarly person alone. Exposing much(prenominal) results to an some other(prenominal) people, especially when the results are woeful, serves to block the needer and ca hab ituate one to be little self-assured in school.The boilers suit answer is a tendency to cover weakness in accompanying tests. some other(prenominal)(prenominal) issue that has raised a wedge close to the My school website is that it is macrocosm utilize to attach against au and thentic ethnic communities, in particular the autochthonic students (ABC, 2010). This lament, mainly from parents, has stem from the system utilise where schools confirm been cutpurse the number of primal students add up intoed in that respect as part of the statistics stick on on the My school website.This, the parents contend, is racist as it tends to bring to the fore the tactual sensation that the ancient students are responsible for the forgetful mental process of schools so that the to a greater extent than of them a school has the bring low it is probable to perform on the KAPLAN index. This quarter neer be farther from the true statement (ABC, 2010). The cop se in the midst of organisation constitution and national tactile sensation flush on the outside(a) scene, on that point film been continual clashes between the polity of establishment activitys and what the public feels is the surmount.In matters of information in particular, in that location has been a series of form _or_ system of government frame treats that governments expect put in place without considering their personal set up on the other stakeholders. For instance, issues regarding the surgical procedure of educators in teaching institutions like schools and colleges have been hotly contend be take a shit go the insurance susceptibility film teachers and other educators to be appraised establish on their functioning, the indices used in certain cases neer sincerely get out the true(a) arousal by these educators.For instance, teachers bay window be appoint to students who are hard of learnedness for a intellect or more(prenominal)(pren ominal) and so much(prenominal) teachers, if rated on the institution of the act of their students alone, neer real get justice done. Similarly, it is not appropriate for the government to stick around apply indices to stray schools and produce such information on the My school website without considering other factors. The put unneurotic this has on teachers is that they are probable to fuck off debase and put little safari in their take for they recognize the military rank of their cast is not at all fair.For parents, the use of the My school website has had different effects (Peatling, 2010). First, it may wait on them to check into the outperform performers among schools and so enroll their children in such ones. However, at that place is another more critical issue somewhat what parents whose children are in poor- acting schools can do. The natural inclination of such parents is to hold their children from these poor performing schools and have the n enrolled in other schools with mend performance indices.This, if allowed, would cause a push-down store hejira of students from some schools into others, eventually cause another trouble of overcrowding and sequent declining in the forest of reproduction in those schools initially class-conscious highly. further since the government is not prepared to allow such migrations, keep to use the My school website competency further cause parents a serving of anxiety from cognise that their children capability never be able to make it in spiritedness because they are in lowly-ranked schools.For the students, they depart get demoralized if they learn that their school does not perform substantially in comparison to others. As AEU has claimed, bringing up is not all most literacy and numeracy but more somewhat individual(a) students ability to learn to do galore(postnominal) other things in life. Students in lowly-ranked schools susceptibility be led into the off- make out belief that their teachers are not commensurate plenteous and so relent up act to modify their performance.However, the My school website has had the confirmative effect of creating a competitory surround in schools so that low performers are compelled to take shape harder to advance art object the trump performers try their level best to insist or rectify their performance record (Peatling, 2010). end point The My school website is leaping to plow eliciting a plenitude of debate in the days to come with change effects on the society, the students, teachers, and the government. What is derive in this debate is that in that location has been no try on to have the feuding parties to doing together to sort out their differences.Instead, every side has been biased in its decisions and has not cared astir(predicate) the implications of its actions on the students, teachers, and parents. term the government is downplaying the foeman to the My school w ebsite by AEU and citing it as any other opposition that happens whenever there is change, the fact is that the articulation has key sociological issues that ought to be communicate if the education standards in this country are to be unbroken high. Sociologically, therefore, the feuding parties ought to work together to stupefy shipway of iron out their differences out front the matter gets out of hand.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Music Appreciation of Chris Brown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Music Appreciation of Chris browned - Essay ExampleSince Chris Brown ventured in the harmony industry, he has released several hit songs. Among the songs include the 2005 debut album Chris Brown which produced the top single Run It and the second album, Exclusive, which was released in 2007 with top singles, such as Kiss Kiss and With You. In 2008, Chris produced his third album titled Forever. Later Chris started collaborative music with popular artists like T-Pain, Bow Wow, Lil Mama and Rihanna who he became engaged to, but later separated. According to Thompson, in February 8, 2009, Chris physically assaulted Rihanna, then his girlfriend, a crime which he later pleaded guilty. Chris Brown was handed a atomic number 23 -year probation and also on a community service, besides losing most of his fans. From his childhood, growing while seeing his mother being subjected to physical violence by his stepfather. The find out has literally defined the relation between him and women, pa rticularly the female artists. Maybe it was out of that respect did Chris Brown not involve most of the female artists in his albums. Since his entry into the hip-hop and R&B entertainment industry, only a few female artists including Rihanna who was his girlfriend had been in his debut albums. It was ironically when in 2009 Chris Brown was charged for assaulting Rihanna- his girlfriend. Brown has been determined to shed off the past and the 2009 assault charges have significantly defined his music career.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Islam is Not the Enemy of America Research Paper

Islam is Not the Enemy of America - Research Paper ExampleAmerica became the envy of other nations as the outlandish was populated by large number who knew how to get along with one another, regardless of race, nationality, organized righteousness, gender, or beliefs in life. However, all of that changed with the attacks on the Word Trade Center equalize Towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The perpetrators of the crime were proven to be Muslim men who were in the United States on student visas. It was this terrorist attack from within our shores that totally reshaped the style that America came to view immigrants to the country. It most specially changed the image of the Muslims in America. The once tolerant nation now became a nation that despised all things Muslim, for it was the Muslims who honk the blood of Americans and attacked the peaceful nation on its precise own soil using their own airplanes against them. It was this mindset that led to the new American b elief that Islam, which is the religion practiced by Muslims should be tagged as the enemy of America. That belief has shaped the beliefs of a new generation of Americans and it has caused divisiveness within the American society at large. It is my belief however, that Islam is not the enemy of America. Rather, the Muslims and the followers of Islam have been lumped together with those of radical Islamic beliefs that have nothing to do with the true meaning of Islam and the Muslim mien of life. By writing this paper, I hope to present the reasons as to why Muslims and Islam are not enemies of America. I will be presenting factual evidence establish upon authoritative journals, newspaper reports, and quotes from interviews with people who are quite familiar with the aforementioned topic. In the end, I hope to have presented a solid explanation regarding why Americans have a misconception about Muslims and Islam in general. In order to understand more about what Islam truly is about, we first need to know who the Muslims are. Muslims are the people who follow the Islamic faith. Theirs is a religion that spans the globe from the Southern Philippines, the Middle East, Indonesia, and Africa. While a small fraction of the religious practitioners also reside in the Soviet Union, China, North and South America, and finally, Europe. (Understanding Islam and the Muslims). Muslims, just like all other religions believe that there is one unique God under whose consent Man exists. They are the people who believe that Mohammed is the sole prophet of God and that no other God other than the Muslim God exists. By definition, Islam, the religion has been defined by experts as simply meaning submission. Therefore, in religious terms, Islam is said to mean ... complete submission to the will of God. The very definition of Islam has nothing to do with violence or terrorism. However, there are some factions

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 15

Psychology - Essay ExampleThis model of memory remained nether extensive research in the following years.The physical growth in size of cerebrum and the number of functions associated with this evolved cerebrum demonstrates an important step in the evolutionary ladder of earthy lifespan. Memory is one of the very complicated functions of complex life forms and this complexity reaches its maximum when Homo sapiens atomic number 18 analyzed. Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory is an attempt to justify the various processes of memory which continue to operate in our brains.The first level of memory is identified as sensory memory. No matter which kind of comment is applied to the various senses of the body, the form of education that is delivered to the central nervous system is in the form of electrical zest or the so called nerve impulse. For the purpose of translation of external stimuli, a number of receptors are present in the body, that continuously receive impulses in the for m of vibration, sound, pressure, light and so on. These impulses are translated into electrical nerve impulses by their respective receptors and are then delivered to the brain as electrical signals. This sensory memory has a very short life span and it persists for that a few seconds i.e 2-3 seconds.The stage between sensory memory and long verge memory is called short term memory. Certain chunks of data from sensory memory are shifted to short term memory which is also called working memory because the information stored there needs further processing. Short term memory easily fades away as soon as attention is drawn to any other matter it lasts for only 18 to 20 seconds unless the information is rehearsed. Any information that is not lost after 18 to 20 seconds is transferred to long term memory.The capacity of short-term memory is limited and it is for this reason that only a small amount of information can be retained in short-term memory

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Chinese Popular Culture Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chinese Popular Culture - Term Paper ExampleIncluded in come forth culture are comic books, dirt cheap newspapers such as tabloids, radio soap operas, crass television game shows, paperback novels, and sh every last(predicate)ow reality shows. The Chinese have a distinct step to the fore culture characterized by the mix of ideas, social practices, lifestyle trends, and other mass-appeal attractions. Pop culture can sometimes gain legitimacy in normal fiat to become acceptable. Chinese pop culture is a thread that binds the masses of Chinese society to give them a unified sense of identity. Discussion The Chinese civilization is the worlds oldest continuously existing civilization dating back five thousand years ago. As such, it has undergone several changes over this long period best-selling(predicate) tastes varied tremendously as years went by. However, there are a few things which make the Chinese civilization unique, among which are its cultural practices rooted in Confucia n ethics, a deep respect for elders and filial obedience, and a single language based on a writing system that made it practical to have a unified Chinese identity. The one person who made all this possible was Emperor Shihuangdi (259-210 BCE) who built the now world-famous Great Wall of China, created the worlds setoff civil service bureaucracy, the first centralized government administration, introduced coinage, unified all of China, mandated the use of only one language based on a equal set of characters in the Chinese writing system, and still fascinates the world today with his vast terra-cotta army in his giant burial compound with some 8,000+ full-size warriors, 400 horses, and 100 chariots to serve as spirit army in the afterlife, truly an enduring legacy of his dynastic rule to last 10,000 generations, but sadly, this conglomerate collapsed within four years after his death. Despite his short-lived empire, the various reforms he introduced survived until this day. Even in modern times, his achievements still define the Chinese cultural heritage in terms of what it means to be Chinese, an identity that endures because of universal standards in Chinese laws, written language, weights, measures, and protocols adopted by all succeeding dynasties (Muller 2) and which the devote Communist rulers of China are using to help restore the Chinese pride in themselves, after two centuries being under foreign compound powers. Emperor Qin Shihuangdi set the tone of what was pop culture with the adoption of a comprehensive set of laws, known in Chinese history as legalism, which mandated all things that can be done and cannot be done (Guo 23) although its implementation period was brief, from 221-206 BCE only, it played a key role in shaping traditional pop culture. It was a basis for government have of the whole of China in subsequent years, and continues even today. Legalism has a lingering influence because it determined the laws of the land population of the lower classes knew what was allowed and not allowed. It was supplanted by other ideologies and religions such as Daoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Legalism was the main popular cultural ideology in ancient China, designed to exert control over the peasants China was once primarily an agricultural economy and legalism governed all aspects of social life. Emperor Qin Shih

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Final - Essay ExampleUS commission on Civil rights serves as an general advisor as well as a watchdog and the countrys civil rights division within the department of justice bears the responsibility of enforcing non-discrimination statutes. Nevertheless, the scatter of responsibilities in agencies with different agendas affected the process of plausive accomplish implementation. However, all the agencies were concerned with application of non-discriminating policies to the sundry(a) segments of the US economy despite the rise of various jurisprudence disputes even within their spheres of action besides administrative actions were related and affected other spheres. By the turn of the twenty-first century, a small compute expressed support for racial discrimination after the civil rights movement progressed from obscurity during the civil war to mid-twentieth century activism to the current accepted wisdom. The non-controversial part is the labile policy that ensures non-discri mination based on race, religion, color, sex and national origin in social, economic and educational affairs. The non-discrimination laws are designed to make sure that individuals are neer judged by color of skin, but rather by the content of their character and incase a violation occurs, such individuals are entitled to remedies (Lee, 1999). Positive and damaging Results of affirmatory Action Legislation Affirmative action seems to have a short history though it is a hands-on policy that makes special efforts some employment decisions, entry into college and other public behavior as a means of compensating for other(prenominal) discrimination. Affirmative action bases on the thought that various groups of community even without being discriminated against currently, any individual belonging to such groups are disadvantaged in the workplace and in campuses as a result of the past discrimination aimed at the group. Therefore, assentient action attempts to level the playing gr ound for all categories of citizens thought it emphasizes on disadvantaged groups as opposed to injured individuals. Affirmative action can refer to a court-ordered, remedial programs designed to correct effects of discrimination documented in court. Proponents of affirmative action hold that affirmative action provides long-term cure for discrimination by offering victims chances to show their skills and worth, which eventually changes prejudicial attitudes. Nevertheless, opponents of this controversial program argue that affirmative action neer addresses the cause of inequality and the program can create labor market inefficiencies and result in reverse discrimination. Therefore, both sides suggest that effective affirmative action would cause minority employment to increase however the sides disagree on whether this raise is efficient and on whether it would be sustainable if affirmative action terminate (Lee, 1999). Currently there is small opportunity to measure the impact of eradicating affirmative action programs. As Federal, support for enforcement faded and flowed, the Supreme Court ruling in the past decade chipped away at affirmative action making it difficult to confirm whether concurrent changes in minority outcomes are due to affirmative actio

Monday, June 17, 2019

Brand audit "Heineken" Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Brand audit Heineken - Essay ExampleThe Global Heineken Manager Design & Concept once said that the new global long cut would reinforce the packaging, which applied the contemporary fancy can and embossed glasses. The Americans preferred short necks in order to differentiate the local beer from the imported one. The new bottle emphasizes on the visual identity on the cans and bottles. The visual identity was arrive atd by introducing sensory elements like embossments, indents that are strategically placed and tactile ink. The elements offer consumers esthetical appealing and fun in the overall drinking experience. Specific packaging changes were done, with the brand elements including an elliptical curve originating from the Heinekens logo. The refreshing green color is the Heinekens trademark, which is enriched by the iconic star emblem that is red the world has mostly recognized beer symbol. Heinekens commitment to improvement is evident from the new can design that was the st olon of its type to feature with tactile ink will be introduced all over the world. The latest glass has an embossed curve, which adds pleasant and better feeling when held.Heineken produces beer. In changing face of its beverage consumption, blurring its position among self-owned beverage labels and advertising restrictions. The company marketers decided to use the Heineken strong brand equity in expanding into neighboring markets and provided customers with some other ways to interact with the companys brand. Through a number of demonstrations, workshops and other activities, Cisco offered guidance and support on how Heineken could use technology to achieve this vision. The beer produced by Heineken is categorized into three groups that is Heineken, Buckler and Subsidiary brands (Bergh & Behrer, 2010).Heineken lager beer is the primary product of the Heineken Group. It is over five percent pale lager, which was first manufactured in 1868. Forty brewers in thirty-nine countries ar ound the

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Organizational globalization in human resources Essay

Organizational globalisation in human resources - Essay ExampleThis will coquet a pivotal role deep down the understandings that are reached between the organizations and the different processes that are happening on a global level. It is very necessary for the stakeholders to stimulate their respective roles within the organization globalization realms as it gives them a clear cut idea as to how they should take conduct of their money and invest within such quarters that has a very global feel towards the ideology of building the competencies of the organization (Guillen 2001). This will reap rich results for the organization as it is crumpled upon going global in order to seek the best possible outcomes, which indeed is a very enticing proposition for any business at the end of the day.The definition of organizational globalization is putting the local domains of a business in the perspective of the global industry. This helps the organization to maneuver its foundation withi n the international dynamics as well as helps it build upon the premise of a positive change, one that will bring about comforting results. The definition of organizational globalization has therefore focused on the agenda of bringing a basis of worldliness with the norms and procedures that are followed within the organizations. It gives the companies a loving of leverage that is not very hard to envision, and more so because these organizations have adequately understood how their processes and related undertakings are going to be taken care of. If the element of globalization comes into the equation, there is a sense of doing things in accordance with the global regimes an achievement for the organization in its own right.The fact that organizational globalization has been able to create a huge difference within the work realms is something that can be taken as a positive. It gives the companies the much needed advance as far as complying with their local working basis is con cerned. It also

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Functions of Management in Different Spheres Assignment

Functions of Management in Different Spheres - Assignment ExampleTherefore, movie-on-demand is a competitive substitute for the blockbuster movies.The major stakeholders of the university include foundation members, the calling card of trustees, business and industry. The students are the major stakeholders in the university because they influence the long and short-term goals of the university.Managing diversity in the organization croup be done by development an organizational culture, which synchronizes the diverse cultures into the organizational policy and operation. In addition, cultural integration practices can be used to develop the necessary group cohesion. The manager can employ cultural acceptance to avoid conflict between individuals.Lack of accountability is the major barrier to goal setting. However, as a manager, the development of maltreat plans to achieve the set goals. However, the accountability is the vital aspect of goal setting.Start the business from scrat ch offer the opportunity to understand the business effectively thereby reducing the chances of collapse. Proper planning of a new business venture is easy compared to a takeover business. However, take over business has an advantage of having already set capital and infrastructure outlay.Business engineering is the process of redesigning the business operations in order to remedy performance and develop success in the whole process. Re-engineering can be integrated as a product of competition or the introduction of new products by the company which is intended to improve the business performanceThe internal recruitment process is simple and easy to be employed. The staff does not need to be oriented to the company as such they can assume the new roles with ease. However, it reduces the pool of choice while also limiting foolion of new ideas. External recruitment offers the opportunity to inject new blood into the system thusallowing for new ideas to be developed. External recruit ment offers the company the opportunity to add new employees with better skills. However, the major job with external recruitment is time constraints and the need for further training of the new stuff on the company details and system of operation.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Fibromyalgia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fibromyalgia - Essay ExampleIt was observed there is high aggregation of Fibromyalgia in families of Fibromyalgia patients. The mode of inheritance followed is probably polygenic. An joining between Fibromyalgia and polymorphisms of the genes in the serotoninergic, dopaminergic and catecholaminergic systems was observed in research. However these polymorphisms are not specific for Fibromyalgia and are associated with a range of somatic disorders and with economic crisis (Buskila 332-8).Stress is frequently considered as a risk factor for Fibromyalgia It has also been hypothesized that because exposure to stressful conditions can alter the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) bloc, the development of fibromyalgia may stem from stress-induced disruption of the HPA axis (McBeth et al . R992-R1000)There is strong evidence that major depression and fibromyalgia are associated with each other. The symptoms of fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive disturbances that are characteristic of Fibromyalgia are also puzzle in depressive illness. Patients with Fibromyalgia often improve with antidepressant medications. Although current major depression was found in only about 18-36% of Fibromyalgia patients, a lifetime history of depression was observed in 50-70% of the cases in a study (Goldenberg 778-779). Gender and age are the other important risk factors in Fibromyalgia as Fibromyalgia is 10 clock more prevalent in women than in men and is most likely to be diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 50 (Chakravarty and Zoorob 247).The most important signs of Fibromyalgia are twinge in multiple sites, fatigue, and poor sleep. Patients often complain of low back pain, which may radiate into the buttocks and legs. Also common are complaints of pain and absorption in the neck and across the upper posterior shoulders. The pain may be described as a burning or gnawing soreness, stiffness, or aching. umpteen patients awaken frequently at night and have di fficulty falling back to sleep. Upon waking, many patients feel exhausted and complain of stiffness, which improves as the day passes by. hurt must last for more than 3 months in all four quadrants of the body.Fibromyalgia is diagnosed if there is a history of widespread pain lasting more than troika months-affecting all four quadrants of the body and presence of 11 tender points among the nine pairs of sites specified by the American Rheumatology College (Chakravarty and Zoorob 248-249)Many patients with fibromyalgia complain of cognitive difficulties (known as brilliance fog or fibrofog) such as short and long-term memory problems, groping for words, and poor vocabulary. Headaches, including migraine type, also are common.A feeling of sleeveless joints without actual swelling, and paresthesias without objective neurologic findings, are considered two important features of Fibromyalgia (Chakravarty and Zoorob 248).As a medically unexplained syndrome, there is no known cure or u niversally accepted treatment for fibromyalgia, and treatment is typically aimed at symptom management. Along with pharmaceutical treatment, research was done on a variety of ersatz treatments for Fibromyalgia with varying results. Short-term achievement programs for individuals with fibromyalgia have consistently improved physical function, especially physical fitness, and reduced tender point pain however the exercise must be done at moderate intensity and consistently. The exercise should start at intensities below the

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Capstone Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Capstone Project - Research Paper ExampleAs further as its footwear market is concerned, the company consists of 33% of global market share. Its distribution channels include both traditional and nontraditional channels in more than 100 countries in the whole world (Armstrong & Kotler, 2009). The agency of Nike stated in their mission statement is to surpass all other similar and disputation companies in the industry. Nike plans to achieve this by maintaining its position in market through providing quality footwear, equipment and apparels for consumers of all ages and lifestyles and similarly for different institutions. Through proper utilization of retail outlets, companys websites as well as mail order company pledges to make its products available globally. As far as execution of this mission is concerned the company and its management believes that for the effective operations of the company, the success lies in collective responsibilities of all employees, team mates, cust omers, communities and all the stakeholders for the company. (Kotler & Keller, 2009). Nikes vision is to remain a global leader in the industry and for this the company intends to continue producing high quality products. This challenges the company to continue to constantly meet through innovation and creativity, the eer changing trends and needs of their customers and the company is dedicated to achieve these in both short and long term. (Kotler & Keller, 2009). The analysis of Nikes strategic plan along with its implementation over the years shows that the company has been able to perform with regard to its vision and financial statements, which is a part of its strategic plan. The company, since the year 2000, was able to achieve a net income of more than $550 million at the end of every financial year which helps the company to achieve its long-term objective of improvement on equity, and a higher EPS. Nike focuses on astir(p) on stockholders returns on equity to achieve a p ercentage of 20 and this place be estimated to roughly 6% from its preceding(prenominal) trading periods. Nike has been previously able to recover market price of its stock from a low of $26.5, per share to $50 and above, per share. Nike works on strategies through which it can increase its earnings per share to an estimated $2.70, a figure that can be one of the highest (Armstrong & Kotler, 2009). Under the company analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of Nike will be reviewed. One of the major strengths of Nike includes its card of director consisting of both independent directors and management directors. They play a vital role in the decision making of the company especially the decisions related to system formulation of the company. These diversified directors help the company by not only providing an outside experience but also a frame of reference improving an overall thinking of the board, hence their decisions include rich experience and eliminates any disagreements an d contradictions. Another major strength is the strong internal environment of the company as Nike conducts an internal analysis, which helps making decisions (Nike, 2012). The weaknesses that the company has experienced so far are related to the companys inability to cope up with the issues regarding to labor. There also have been complains regarding the companys working conditions. This was even highlighted as a major issue in the global media and led Nike to a bad reputation, move into a major crisis

International & Strategic Marketing (Degree Level) Essay

International & Strategic Marketing (Degree Level) - Essay Exampleort suggests the formation of a joint venture as the preferred mode of doorway into the Indian grocery however the ratio of failure of joint ventures is relatively high gear and the firms to fail very quickly. There is also an element of creating a pagan cohesion and managing the diversity which Indian market can offer.In terms of gross revenue activities, it is important that the firm must engage into B2B activity and manage its sales through creation of a dedicated sales force for personal selling mode of generating the sales.Exporting involves directly exporting the product of the firm into the market where firms wants to get entry. Exporting is desirable by those firms which tend to keep operational control of their products into their own hands besides launching and maintaining its own brand hollo in the international market. Exporting can also be done through piggybacking wherein the firm can actually utiliz e the available logistic and distribution networks of existing businesses to distribute and sell its products.It is important to note for successfully exporting a product, exporter requires the help and support of not only the importers but also that of the judicature as well as the transport. For successful completion of export targets, it is therefore critical that the exporter must strike a balance between the two. Further, the risk of high early failures is relatively high as business of this type often fail to materialize properly thus forcing exporters to look for some other utility(a) channels to continue to operate in the chosen market. Such high riskiness of the export will therefore may not be competent for the firms engaged in B2B type of business.Forming joint ventures is another important mode of entry wherein the firm can participate through equity to formulate a new company. Joint ventures are especially helpful in gaining access to the technology as well as the c ore competencies of other firms besides utilizing the topical anaesthetic knowledge of the firms

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research - Assignment ExampleThe main problem, which was the reason of the study, was that of lack of such factual evidence finished past studies on the facts of the health conditions within a society.The main aim that the study had was estimating the health burden that Germany as a country bore caused by the morbidity as surface as mortality associated with obesity and related complications as seen from the perspective of the society. Besides, the study focused on estimating the deaths that occurred within Germany in 2002 universe related to obesity as well as the overweight related complications. Moreover, the study was to establish the costs incurred in the country from such deaths that would result and this would be gotten from inpatient records, out patient records. Rehabilitation as well as non-medical costs were also on the check as direct costs plot of land indirect costs were evaluated from sick offs, and early retirement costs among others.The research study format fail s to cite distinctly the questions guiding the study as well as the hypothesis under which the study was conducted. This therefore leaves the reader with the liberty of evaluating the study report with presumed line of argument as not guided by clear-cut hypothesis and or questions.The info that was collected from the office of statistics in Germany (German Federal Statistics) and therefore survey method was used as the most appropriate tool for collecting data (Konnopka, Bodemann & Konig, 2011). The use of the survey to collect the data from the secondary sources was effective as the study was to use primary data for the year 2002 where collecting the data through other tools would not be possible. Besides, the adoption of the tool was necessitated by the nature of the research as being denary and hence factual empirical data for the analysis was necessary.The analysis of the data involved

Monday, June 10, 2019

Gender issues and changes at work facing human resource management and Essay

Gender issues and changes at work facing human resource management and promoting equality at work through diversity - Essay ExampleOne important fact to question is one that begs an inquiry into why women fail to move up the employment hierarchy. One possible explanation has to do with the perception that women do not fit in with the traditional male profile. This is most prevalent in the choice of employment conceived by children which translates to future adult employment aspirations. As children c atomic number 18er choices are guided by hobbies, skill sets and the notion that some careers are more attractive than others. In so doing, the traditional sexual urge roles play a crucial rule. Female children tend to aspire to employment with fits the traditional gender roles of women being employed in a subservient position while male children tend to aspire employment which places men in dominant positions much(prenominal) as that of upper level managerial positions.This bias in th e rating process may lead to subjective selection and promotion decisions. In fact, in a HRM spate on work place diversity and the decision to promote individuals within an organization indicates that subjectivity plays a vital role. Other barriers cited by this survey include lack of developmental exposure and experiences provided to women, and selection through word-of-mouth networking from current male employees. Further, most of these organizations steer their women employees into staff positions.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Because current policies aimed at limiting drug abuse do not work, we Essay

Because current policies aimed at limiting drug abuse do not work, we should legalize drugs and instead teach the great unwashed to use them responsibly - Essay ExampleIt has been suggested, and in some cases demonstrated, that legalizing or at least decriminalizing less ravishful drugs, such as marijuana, can armed service to reduce the violence, significantly decrease the numbers of people incarcerated for drug use, allow more individuals to remain a contributing member of society and free up funds and manpower to combat against more harmful substances.It was believed by the economic experts that such a discussion would bring out the obvious factors that will lead to the legalization, statute and taxation on marijuana, bringing out the benefits of each side and, at the least, justifies the reasons for maintaining the prohibition against the substance. This group of economists was also joined by Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman who argued that there is no logical bas is for the prohibition against marijuana. (Friedman, 2005) The vast majority (85%) of Americas teenagers report that marijuana is easy to get every year, indicating that the gross revenue have not been reduced by the laws and enforcement endeavors, leading many government officials to begin wondering whether we are simply throwing away billions of tax dollars to no effect. all over half of the prisoners in jail are there for drug crimes. This causes overcrowding which results in the early release of dangerous, violent criminals. This creates more of a public safety chore than does drug use. It is illogical from a societal view and inhumane to individuals who are marked as a criminal for life for activity that causes no harm to others. Those who are addicted receive little or no therapeutic help in prison. Instead of imprisoning people that need help, rehabilitation programs are a much more effective method to treat the problem but a rehabilitation system will not succeed if drugs c ontinue to be illegal. Drug abusers will hardly seek help from the same government that tosses

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Online vs. Traditional Education Essay Example for Free

Online vs. Traditional Education EssayHave you ever had the luck to lend online classes? Have you even heard of online classes? If you havent, you are missing out on a great opportunity. Online facts of life is rapidly becoming a popular alternative to traditional bringing up. It is offering more flexibility for students and providing individuals with better opportunities for postsecondary command. Even though traditional gentility has been the only form of education for hundreds of years, online education offers a new and improved style of learning. When people think of education, they think of a classroom filled with desks, paper, books, and other students. After all, this is how humans have been taught for generations. This is an shell of traditional education. Traditional education is when students attend a school and are taught in a formal classroom setting. There is an instructor that teaches the class by giving demonstrations or by lecturing. It allows the students to have face-to-face interaction with the instructor or their fellow students. Traditional education has never been real flexible. There are scheduled times for class and working around that schedule whoremonger prove to be difficult. Often times, life events outhouse conflict with the class schedule. This can cause students to miss class and fall behind in their work.While traditional education is not very flexible, online education is. Online education is the use of engine room to share educational information and to teach students. It often only requires a computer and an Internet connection. The classroom setting of an online education can be anywhere. You can work from the comfort of your own home or while you are at the library. As long as you have access to a computer with Internet, you can go to school. In many situations, you can also complete the school work on your own time. That way if something comes up at the destruction minute, you still have the ability to co mplete your school work without losing points. It also allows students to continue to work at their job while taking classes. This is a very nice convenience to have, especially for individuals who have a family or have a job to work around.Online education can also be overmuch cheaper than traditional education. It is not uncommon for tuition at online schools to be lower than that of a traditional school, although this is certainly not true of all online programs. In addition, cost associated with things like commuting, classroom supplies, and housing are not relevant in an online learning environment. Some programs whitethorn not require students to purchase textbooks or abide the material online. Usually, students can download all of their materials needed for class, such as assignments or textbooks, straight from their online classroom. The lower costs of an online education are a strike factor for its rising popularity.Another large factor to consider when choosing a form o f education is the availability of resources. Most traditional schools have a considerable amount of resources. They often have at least one library, science labs, computer labs, and other resources that make the learning experience easier. The only problem is that some of these resources have limited access. They are only open during certain hours and may even be closed some days. This reduces a students flexibility and may affect their ability to complete work on time.Online education, on the other hand, offers resources that are available 24/7. The resources are all online, so in that location is no need to have a closing time or open hours. They are at the students fingertips and only require the click of a button. They may even offer more resources than you would find at a traditional school. Resources such as a free plagiarism checker or a grammar review are usually not available to students in a traditional classroom setting. These resources can give online students the upp er hand in education and will allow them to perform at a higher level.The biggest difference between traditional and online education is the method of communication. In traditional education, everything is face-to-face. The students interact with the teacher directly and the discussion occurs only in the classroom. This face-to-face interaction allows the students to build social skills and form relationships with other classmates. The only downfall there is with this method is that once the class is over, it can be difficult to contact the instructor if a question or problem would a rising.In online education, communication is much different. Students can be thousands of miles apart and live in different time zones. Therefore there cannot be any face-to-face interaction. Instead, online education relies on instant messaging through with(predicate) a forum. It is very similar to a chat room. This is where the majority of the communication organises place. Students can communicate with the instructor and with each other by posting messages and hold for a reply. This makes it very easy to get a hold of other people, no matter the time of day. The downfall with this method is that sometimes it can take a while before you receive a reply. However, online courses require a certain amount of participation so the question will be turn to before too long.Many people question the amount of work that online students do. Some even say that online colleges should not be as credible as traditional universities. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Online education shares many of the same requirements expected by traditional schools. Online students write research papers, have to create projects, and take finals just like any other student. In fact, many online schools have traditional campuses and have the same requirements for both campus and online students. It does not matter which form of education an individual chooses. They will be required to do the same am ount of work in order to attain their degree.For years I thought traditional education was the only way to go. I was a firm believer in the traditional ways and never thought that you could get the same education by sitting on a computer. Now that I have experience in both forms of education, I can see why so many people are switching to online programs. The flexibility of online classes and the vast amount of resources make it more user friendly than ever before. The popularity of online education is on the rise and will continue to increase as more people switch from the traditional ways.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Rates of reaction - molarity Essay Example for Free

Rates of response grand EssayChemistry Course give Rates of Reaction Molarity (Concentration) quarry to find out if the concentration of HCl affects the amount of hydrogen gun for hire given off when a magnesium strip is added. Apparatus feature syringe to number all the gas from the reaction and measure it Test tube to hold the two reactants Measuring cylinder to measure amount of water and acid fail watch to time the reaction Deli very(prenominal) tube to deliver the hydrogen into the gas syringe Ruler + Scissors to measure and cut the magnesium Reactants milligram strip Hydrochloric acid 2HCl + Mg H2 + MgCl2 Preliminary WorkFrom preliminary work I harbor found out that apply 20 cm3 of acid and victimisation 2 cm of magnesium for 1 minute gives off sufficient gas to measure accurately and I also found that for the molarity I should not go lower than 0. 6 as there of gas given off will be too slow. This is how I did the prove I set up the experiment as show n supra Added 2 cm of magnesium strip to 20 cm3 of HCl I then wrote down the mess of the gas every 5 secs for 1 minute of the reaction accustom concentrations M to set which would be suitable. Scientific KnowledgeA chemical reaction demand reactant particles to collide roaringly for it to take place. For the chance of a successful collision to take place much frequent collisions need to travel by. These four factors affect the absolute frequency of collisions therefore affecting the rate of reaction Concentration there are more acid particles in the same volume so they are more possible to collide with the magnesium particles. Temperature when the temperature is increased the particles gain kinetic energy, which means the particles vibrate more which in turn means they are more likely to collide successfully.Surface Area a larger surface are means more particles are exposed. Therefore as larger number of collisions occur Catalyst the catalyst lowers the amount of energy needed for a collision without taking part therefore more successful collisions will take place. notwithstanding I am only testing concentration so from this familiarity I know that the higher the concentration the more likely that the particles will collide. omen I believe that as the molarity decreases so will the speed at which the gas collects. I predict this because of my preliminary work and scientific knowledge.This knowledge is that as the concentration increases there are more particles in the same volume so then there will be more successful collision. This means the volume of gas smooth in the first minute should decrease as the concentration decreases. Set up the experiment as shown above Add 2 cm of magnesium strip to 20 cm3 of HCl Write down the volume of the gas every 5 secs for 1 minute Use concentrations M To make the different concentrations I added water to 1M hydrochloric acid Molarity Water/ red-hot cm3 1 Fair test/ReliabilityBy autocratic all the other va riables (temperature, surface area and using a catalyst) I am leaving only one thus making my results accurate and tested and easier to test. I am also using the same amount of acid (variable) and magnesium each time making it a fair test. I commit also repeated my experiment so that I can average out my results making it fair, as extremities will be averaged out. To make it a authoritative and fair test I have made sure that the gas syringe is always at 0 at the beginning of each experiment and I will start the clock as soon as the Magnesium meets the HCl and always make sure that the Mg is cut to exactly to 2 cm.Safety Always wear goggles so that no acid can go in your eye Wash acid after using acid so that acid does not transfer onto things that you touch and worse in your mouth (from the food that you eat). Results Test 1 Molarity (M) Water/Acid cm3 T 5s I 10s M 15s E 20s 25s I 30s N 35s 40s S 45s E 50s C 55s S 6Test 2 Molarity (M) Water/Acid cm3 T 5s I 10s M 15s E 20s 25s IVolume of H2 collected Rate of Reaction The rate of a reaction is how quickly the reactants turn into products.To work out the rate of reaction I have decided to find the time that each reaction took to reach 8 ml of H2 and converting it into a rate. The formula for Rate of Reaction is 1/time (secs) Molarity (M) Calculation Rate (3dp) The rate of reaction tell you how fast each reaction takes to get to point as you can see from my rate of reaction graph as the molarity increases the reaction is quicker apart from 0. 8 (sources of error in evaluation). This graph is useful, as initially I has thought 0. 7 moles was the incorrect result but this graph proved otherwise.Also from this graph I can find out what the rate should have been for 0. 9 ideally which is 0. 036 so the time it would have taken for this experiment to reach 8 ml of H2 is 1/rate = 1/0. 036 = 28. 7 seconds. I can also predict other results Conclusion As my graphs and results show the volume of gas produced in the fir st minute increases with the increase in molarity apart from 0.8 moles, this anomaly occurred both times which is unusual but apart from that result I know that Molarity is proportional to volume of gas collected per minute.E. g. it takes longer for 8 ml of gas to be collected as the concentration reduces, which proves my prediction decline. This is because there are more particles in the same volume if the concentration is increased. Here is a diagram Less moles More moles Evaluation I believe the plan was good and enabled me to get the results that I needed.My experiment went very well apart from my one anomaly (0.8 Moles) this is unusual as it happened both time as but these are some reasons why this happened Sources of Error Gas syringe was only to the nearest ml Magnesium it used up the HCl around it and turned it into MgCl but did not react with the acid at the tail end making the reaction slower Heat as the Mg reacts with HCl heat is given off speeding up the reaction Hu man Error see the gas wrong, starting or stopping the clock at the wrong time etc.Solving these Errors Gas syringe use a location sensor on the gas syringe, which is attached to a computer. This will record the results with no anomalies.Magnesium shake the test tube every so much Heat cant solve this, the reaction is exothermic Human Error use a position sensor on the gas syringe, which is attached to a computer. This will record the results with no human anomalies. Extension To extend the investigation I would do the experiment again put try and put right all the sources of error and see if my results come out perfect. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

A Comparative Analysis on the Socio-Cultural Theories of Marx Essay Example for Free

A Comparative Analysis on the Socio-Cultural Theories of Marx EssayOver the years, the names Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max weber, and Friedrich Nietzsche have been very possessive in the field of sociology, psychology, economics, and politics. In discussing the concepts of communism and materialism, the theories of Karl Marx can non be disregarded. For Marx, the major influential factor in human history is economics (Cline 2008). According to Marx, even in the past, slew were not moved by ostentatious ideas but rather by material things that helped them live and survive.Marxs studies and theories also deal with explaining the etymons of the encounter of classesthe monied and labour classes. The conflict between the wealthy and labour classes became inevitable because of the rise of capitalism. Due to capitalism, there has been a separation between these two classes. The wealthy continue to own properties and acquire labourers as modern slaves to work for them in their busin esses, while the labourers continue to struggle for what little they have, and they have to work day and darkness just to survive.It is also because of capitalism that the scarcity of resources has increase, and this made the conflict between the classes even worse. For Marx, everything is built upon the foundations of economics. All the prominent social and economic institutions as salutary as other organizations can only be understood well if they will be associated with economics. Moreover, Marx expressed that oftentimes, people tend to think that their ideas actually root from truth, beauty, love and other grand concepts, but in actuality, those ideas argon from class interest and class conflict (Cline 2008).On the other hand, as comp ard to Marx, Emile Durkheim was better cognise for his studies of the communication process in relation to sociological analyses. The main idea of Durkheims theory notes that the civilization of human beings is a result of communication (Book Ra gs 2008). Their psychological temperament becomes cultural forces, and the material and economic life becomes the community and the society. Aside from this, Durkheim also became a prominent figure in the field of sociology.He explained the nature of the society with an evolutionary approach, regarding society as an organism that has a specific structure and function (University of Regina 2002). According to Durkheim, although a society is composed of individuals, he pinpointed that a society is not simply a sum of individuals rather, it has an identity and existence of its own that is different from the individuals that are part of it. He further added that it is the society that is influencing the individuals by means of norms, social facts, sentiments, and social currents, rather than the individuals influencing the society as a whole.Durkheims sociological ideas also posed a concern towards social order. He essay to find out how a modern society remains intact given peoples differences, individualism, and autonomy of individuals (University of Regina 2002). Eventually, Durkheim was able to find the answer and explained it in his book, The Division of Labour in Society. In the book, Durkheim defined and explained the concepts of social solidarity, common thought, and systems of law which he also connected to the idea of forced stratum of labour.However, he claimed that such forces in the society will not al guidances be effective in creating solidarity. Thus, there will be disruptions in solidarity and consciousness because of the social changes. This chain of ideas introduces the concept of anomie or suicide, which Durkheim considered as a naturally occurring phenomenon in every society. Durkheim also expressed his ideas about social action. In explaining this concept, he took the structuralist approach. He considered the social structures to exert a strong influence on social action (University of Regina 2002).He believed that the collective thought s, beliefs, practices, and consciousness of individuals can indeed make a difference in a cumulus of ways. Max Weber shared the same position as Marx in terms of craziness in relation to formers positions about the inevitable rationalisation and bureaucratisation of the world (The Hewett School n. d. ). Both of them agreed that it was the modern methods of organisation which drastically increased the effectiveness and efficiency of production. Both of them also concurred that these modern methods paved the way for the exceptional domination of man over nature.They also shared the same panorama of the modern world with such rationalized efficiencythat it threatens to transform into a monstrous being and dehumanize its creators (The Hewett School n. d. ). However, Weber opposed Marxs claim that derangement is only a transitional stage towards mans true liberation. Ha also denied that inevitable characteristic of socialism. Previously, Marx noted that capitalism caused the loweri ng of the proletarian class in the mode of production. However, Weber argued that this situation cannot be avoided in a rationally coordinated system.Weber further added that men cannot participate in socially significant actions anymore unless they join a larger organization. It is through these organizations that men get to sacrifice their own conclusions and desires for the sole aim and objective of the organization. Thus, people get to take off a part of them and therefore get to be alienated. Lastly, Friedrich Nietzsche was known in his arguments about the core and foundations of morality. Unlike Marx, Durkheim, and Weber, Nietzsches theories are more inclined to morality, and he was more into arguing for concepts that relate to religion.However, his theories posted a huge significance in the fields of sociology, economics, and politics as well. His moral philosophy is primarily critical in orientation. With his philosophy, he attacked morality both for its commitment to weak descriptive claims about human action and also for the indecorous impact of its distinctive norms and values on the budding higher types of human beingsor what he calls the higher men (uberman) (Zalta 2007). This idea of higher men explains that, above all other motivations, human behaviour is motivated by the will to power.He also became known in his arguments regarding the foundations of traditional Christianity. For Nietzsche, the creativity and realities of the world are more important than any consideration of any worlds beyond (UK Apologetics 2007). Aside from this, he also had several beliefs which proved his interest to challenge the tradition and beliefs of Christianity. Nietzsche believed that the goal of a humans life must be to find his/her true self and not to help others. He also believed that sexuality does not really oppose virtues rather, it is a virtue in its own right.Furthermore, he also argued that the highest virtue an individual can have is to be true to hi m- or herself. Thus, Nietzsches ideas can be notice to have a sense of selfishness. However, it can be explained that he has this kind of belief since his exposure and genre are that which believe in the power of the human will alone and not of any greater being. Upon analyzing the theories and theorists mentioned above, I observed that all their ideas contribute a lot to the developments of the society nowadays. The first three theorists dwell more on the economic side.They explained the effects of capitalism, social classes, and the harmony of relationships within a society. On the other hand, Nietzsche observed the moral part which the first three theorists beed to have overlooked. Looking at our modern society now, everything seems affected by multimedia. If only Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and Nietzsche still exist today, they force probably look at multimedia as one of the most powerful forces that has the ability to shape a society. However, relating their theories to the moder n concepts of multimedia today, Durkheims concepts seem to have the greatest relevance to it.This is because Durkheim regarded communication as a shaping factor of civilization. By this, he meant that communication (which includes multimedia nowadays) is one of the forces that pave the way for human organization (Book Rags 2008). Communication or multimedia in the modern perspective can also be interpretedusing Durkheims viewas the mould which makes or shapes a society. Thus, a society without the practice of communication cannot be considered a civilized society (Book Rags 2008).Putting this into modern context, a society without the practice of multi-mediawhich can be considered as one of the most powerful means of communication at presentis a society which has not yet reached development. List of References Cline, A. (2008). Religion as Opium of the People. About. com online. Available from http//atheism. about. com/od/philosophyofreligion/a/marx. htm? p=1 29 October 2008 Book Ra gs (2008). Durkheim, Emile (1858-1917) online. Available from http//www. bookrags. com/research/durkheim-mile-1858-1917-eci-01/bro_copy 29 October 2008 The Hewett School (n. d. ).Weber and Marx online. Available from http//www. hewett. norfolk. sch. uk/CURRIC/soc/WEBER/wm. htm 29 October 2008 University of Regina (2002). Conservative Approaches online. Available from http//uregina. ca/gingrich/s16f02. htm 29 October 2008 Zalta, E. Ed. (2007). Nietzsches Moral and Political Philosophy. Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy online. Available from http//plato. stanford. edu/entries/nietzsche-moral-political/ 29 October 2008 UK Apologetics (2007). Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) online. Available from http//www. ukapologetics. net/truthaboutnietzsche. hypertext markup language 29 October 2008